Tarot soy wax candle with protective gemstones


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Surprising tarot necklace hiding a lemon lavender scented premium soy wax candle. The necklace chain is made of stainless steel, so it will not irritate the skin in any way. The candle is endowed with protective, harmony-creating gemstones such as amethyst and obsidian.

The Tarot candle takes us into a mystical world, which not only offers us a personal message and experience through its fragrance, beauty and the beneficial effects of its gemstones, but also through the gift jewel it contains. Some of the cards from the classic Tarot deck, which has ancient roots and is still popular today, are hidden in the Miaamor candles in the form of necklaces. The symbols on these cards speak to us in a sophisticated language to help us understand the adventurous journeys of our lives so far, reflect on what is happening in the present and explore our inner world.

The candles contain five tarot necklaces of the 22 Great Arcana cards: the Lovers, the Wheel of Fortune, the Star, the Sun, and the World. A Nagy Arkánum fontos eseményeket és lelki fejlődést reprezentál az életünkben, olyan archetipikus képek, melyeket bárki, bárhol megérthet neveléstől és kultúrától függetlenül. The secret of the Arcanum is that we already know their meaning, we are just not aware that we know it. Még.

The appearance of the Lovers card can mean that love is coming into our lives, but it can also be an invitation to open our hearts, to be open to any form of love that comes our way. The card represents the most powerful forces in the universe, urging us to prioritise our physical, biological and spiritual desires and goals. romance, choice, seduction, desire, erotica

The Wheel of Fortune may come when we can reasonably expect our luck to turn to the right. It invites us to throw ourselves into life, to play the card and to actively act, to dance boldly with our destiny. A Szerencsekerék előlegezi meg

The arrival of the World Card. It tells us that change is coming soon in our lives. szerencse, hírnév, boldogság, fordulatok, a Sors szelei A Csillag a szabadság hírnöke, a lélek megnyitásának segítője. A lehetőség, az élet, a kapcsolódás küszöbén állunk. It is the completion of purification in our energies, it encourages selflessness, and through our newfound clarity, the body becomes alive, warm and welcoming. This state allows new ideas and creativity to flourish. An unexpected opportunity, an exciting occasion, a life situation that we could only have imagined in our wildest dreams can now become a reality. catharsis, inspiration, hope, optimism, clarity, peace.

The Sun illuminates all aspects of our lives with health. It brings the scorching heat of the long summer days. This card shows us who we are: our hearts open up, grow bigger, and we can see what we are capable of in order to move forward with our goals and desires. Happiness, joy, spiritual awareness await us. The sun’s warming rays on our faces let us know that whatever happens, everything will be OK. We are safe. creation, wealth, satisfaction, success, vitality

Through the World Card, what The Wheel of Fortune has signalled to us can now finally take real and definitive form. It marks a glorious moment of fulfillment, our actions, gestures, thoughts and feelings are fulfilled. Self-consciousness is now sidelined, replaced by total trust, time deepens, ego dissipates. The World is the last card in the Great Arcana: the big bang, perfect and ready. That sweet moment in life when all the energies come together around us. Our wish is finally granted, and our gift is shared with the world. We are fully in the present, now the blessed state. pure pleasure, definite success, adventure, euphoria, journey, perfection

Writer: Viktória Macskás (Amnojje)