Sagittaire – Sagittarius

9,990 Ft

2 készleten


Miaamor horoscope gift candle with jewellery, for horoscope lovers. Harmonise your home with this special candle and wait with excitement until one of the wonderful necklaces emerges.

The horoscope candles are made with the minerals of your particular horoscope and include one of three types of necklaces. The Sagittarius horoscope hornet is found in two types of minerals, which are the minerals of the Sagittarius sign, amethyst and lapis lazuli.

Amethyst: Considered a symbol of love and fidelity in the Middle Ages, it is also known as the stone of passions. Amethyst transforms anger and rage into positive energy, it has a natural and calming effect. Amethyst stimulates our hormonal system, coordinates the endocrine glands and boosts metabolism. It is the perfect crystal for weight loss, recommended for nerve pain, and is also known to have a calming and blood pressure regulating effect.

Lapis lazuli: It was once considered the stone of rulers. It has a stress-relieving effect, relieves depression, strengthens the immune system and recharges the body with energy. It balances the functioning of the glands, and is most beneficial for the thyroid gland and the throat. It helps us to stand up for what is right for us, supporting our self-confidence. Connected to the forehead chakra, repressed emotions become conscious, opening the way for our intuition.


További információk


Amethyst, Lapis lazuli






Horoscope necklace


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